Our Advisors
P. David Jo
Senior Pastor, Joyful Church,
Principal, Covenant Christian School
South Korea
P. David Jo has been continuously sowing into MKPK Australia through his messages. His openness about his MKPK upbringing and his anointing to share God’s heart has inspired MKPK Australia forward.
P. John Kim
Senior Pastor, His Story Church, Australia
P. John Kim has been there from the start. As MKPK himself, he has provided valuable practical guidance and timely pastoral care for the core team.
P. Sung Kwang Oh
Senior Pastor, Sydney Central Presbyterian Church, Australia
P. Sung Kwang Oh has been a father figure for MKPK Australia, continuously supporting through finance and resources.
P. Jay Kim
Training Co-ordinator, Antioch Training Centre, Australia
P. Jay Kim has been a key figure in training and equipping the MKPK Australia core team with his extensive experience and knowledge in ministry.
P. Caleb Nicholes
Senior Minister, Southern Lights Church,
Director, Excelerate Discipleship Training, Australia
He is married to Zoe, they have three young children.
P Caleb’s ministry is characterised by Holy Spirit power, accurate revelation and strong prophetic directives. He rouses the spirits of believers to action for the sake of the Kingdom.
He has been a gift to MKPK Australia by being a role model of servant leadership backed up by his timely and insightful teachings.
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